Dear Parents,

Please download and view the Seforim and supplies list to ensure that all necessary items are purchased. Review the details to ensure that you purchase the specific print/version that is needed.

Shiur Alef 5785

Shiur Beis 5785

Shiur Gimmel 5785

Supplies List

You can purchase all your Seforim from one website - SeforimPlace and ship directly to Mesivta for a flat rate of $9! Orders must be in by August 20th to receive the $9 shipping rate.

Simply match up your Seforim list with what is listed on the Website.  CLICK HERE FOR WEBSITE


In order to receive the $9 flat rate shipping you MUST put in this address:

3251 Northwest 101st Ave, Coral Springs, FL 33065.


CHAYENU- חיינו

A subscription to חיינו is highly recommended.
Please contact [email protected] to order CHAYENU directly from Mesivta.